In The Press

Go Solo: "Eco-Friendly Vegan & Cruelty Free"
Go Solo Interview By Subkit - 23 February 2023
Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in personal care but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Carol Pincione, Founder of Bolle di Natura, located in Paris, France.
NY Daily News: "With love from New York City-Local Valentine's Day Shopping Guide"
Read Full Articleby Carla Roman - 7 February 2021
"Manhattanite Carol Pincione took advantage of the free time, courtesy of the pandemic, to turn her passion for soapmaking into a business. Ït helped to fight the stress and anxiety from the pandemic,", explained Pincione, who runs Bolle di Natura out of her Upper East Side apartment..."
La Voce di New York: "Come per Carol Pincione l’ansia per il Covid a New York diventa… una bolla di sapone!"
Read Full Articledi Francesca Magnani- 22 September 2020
"Carol Pincione è nata e cresciuta a Pescara. Dopo aver conseguito la laurea magistrale in Economia e Commercio, a Roma ha iniziato la sua carriera lavorativa dapprima in Deloitte & Touche, società internazionale di revisione aziendale, ...."

Red Tricycle: "We Heart New York: Valentine’s Day Gifts & Activities"
By Lambeth Hochwald - 12 February 2021
"Our city is filled with incredibly creative people, including Carol Pincione, who has transformed one room in her Upper East Side apartment into a homemade soap creation zone.."